Learning Elifba & Holy Quran represent the first two letters of the Arabic alphabet, and these letters are letters and sounds frequently used in the Holy Quran. Alifba is a term used to learn these letters that form the basis of learning the Quran.
Elifba songs are designed to make the process of learning the Quran more fun, especially for children. These songs allow students to have fun while learning the letters Elifba and make learning easier. Voice Elifba application makes this process even easier. It helps students learn the correct pronunciation of letters and sounds. Childrens use of this application to learn the letters Elifba provides both a fun and permanent learning experience.
The Elifba learning process consists of 28 lessons and after completing these lessons, students will be able to read the Holy Quran beautifully. It is very important to learn letter names during these lessons. By clicking on each letter, the name of the letter is repeated several times, so students can easily learn the names of the letters. In this process, students learn the letters Elifba without straining themselves and with pleasure.
Learning Elifba & Holy Quran application offers a number of features:
- Elifba & Holy Quran practice with Turkish songs: Fun songs allow students to enjoy learning the Elifba letters.
- Practicing aloud with the correct pronunciation of letters: The application supports the process of learning the correct pronunciation of letters and sounds.
- Solo testing: Provides students with the opportunity to test on their own, thus reinforcing learning.
- Audio and video Elif-Ba learning: It offers students the opportunity to learn letters and sounds both audibly and visually.
- Elifba & Holy Quran Teacher: The application guides students and facilitates the learning process.
- Elifba & Holy Quran Songs: Fun songs make the process of learning letters more enjoyable for students.
In conclusion, the Elifba & Holy Quran application is a great resource, especially for children, to learn Elifba and Elifbe letters and sounds. Thanks to this application, students can start learning the Quran in a fun way and learn the letters and sounds of elifba in a permanent way.